SIE might be an acronym or abbreviation for:

  1. Servicio de Inteligencia del Ejército, the Argentine Army's intelligence agency
  2. Serviciul de Informaţii Externe, Romanian Foreign Intelligence Service
  3. Society of Industrial Engineering, an organization of BS Industrial Engineering students of UPHSD - Calamba
  4. Speciaal Interventie Eskadron or Special Intervention Squadron, the former name of the Belgian police's counter-terrorism unit
  5. Staten Island Expressway
  6. Scottish Institute for Enterprise, a government funded body promoting enterprise in Scottish Higher Education Institutions
  7. Serial Interface Engine, which runs the USB 2.0 protocol for a USB device
  8. Synthetic Immersive Environment, an engineered 3D virtual spaces that integrate online gaming aspects
  9. Sustainability Information Exchange Platform, web-based (social) platforms to exchange recent insight from sustainability research